When it comes to hidden features on DVD Doctor Who is no stranger to this so to help out here is a list of where you should be able to find hidden stuff. While some are pointless others are nice.
Lost in Time
BBC test card and countdown clock for broadcast of episode 3 of The Crusade
From the main menu on disc 1 wait until the rotating circles around William Hartnell's head pause and a sound effect is played in over the theme music. Then, from the top item on the menu press the up arrow and the Doctor Who logo top left is highlighted in green. Press select and you'll see a BBC test card and countdown clock that cued up the broadcast of episode 3 of The Crusade.
Introduction from Frazer Hines for an episode of The Underwater Menace
From the main menu on disc 2 wait until the rotating circles around Patrick Troughton's head pause and a sound effect is played in over the theme music. Then, from the top item on the menu press the up arrow and the Doctor Who logo top left is highlighted in green. Press select and you'll see an introduction from Frazer Hines for an episode of The Underwater Menace.
The Keys of Marinus
8mm Cinefilm
On the special features page, so down to the PDF materials option, enter it, then press the left key to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Press enter and you'll see 8mm cinefilm footage shot by grams operator Patrick Heigham.
The Aztecs
BBC Enterprises Globe
On the first special features menu page, go down to "Intro Sequences" and press left to highlight a hidden "Doctor Who" logo. Select this and you'll see a black and white BBCtv Enterprises rotating globe logo.
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
On disc 2, move down to the talking daleks option and hit the left arrow, a hidden Doctor Who logo lights up. Press select and you'll get a clip of a Dalek creature, who in a later egg appears to be called Sid!
Sid's Date
On disc 2, navigate to the second main menu, move down to the photo gallery option and hit the left arrow, a hidden Doctor Who logo lights up. Press select and you'll get a clip called "Sid's Date"!
The Chase
On Disc 2, navigate to Daleks Beyond the Screen and press right to reveal a hidden logo. Press Enter/OK to watch a mini-documentary about the Mechonoids.
The War Machines
Unused Clips
Go to episode selection, and episode 2, click right to highlight a Green Doctor Who Logo, you will see a few unused clips of a War Machine attacking soldiers, minus sound.
The Tomb of the Cybermen
Clean Second Doctor Opening Titles
On the main menu, with "Play All" highlighted, hit the up arrow and the Doctor Who logo at the top left of the main menu page becomes illuminated. Hit select and you'll get some clean 2nd Doctor opening titles.
VidFIRE Test Footage
On the main menu, with "Play All" highlighted, hit the up arrow and the Doctor Who logo at the top left of the main menu page becomes illuminated. Then hit the right arrow and a Cyber logo appears on the third picture from the right, you can select right twice more and the Cyber logo moves right, but if you hit left until you get to the image of the 2nd Doctor you get a circle appearing. Hit select and you'll get some test footage of the Doctor and Victoria in the main control room.
Abominable Snowmen Audio Trailer
From the second special features menu page, select "Audio Options", hit left to highlight the Doctor Who logo then hit enter. You'll get an audio trailer for the story, The Abominable Snowmen.
The Wheel in Space (Lost in Time Box Set)
Background Voice
Leave the commentary running for Episode 6 and right at the end you will hear audio chatter
The Mind Robber
Continuity announcements from 1992 repeat
Navigate down to Episode Selection on the main menu, hit left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo and press select to reveal some BBC2 continuity announcements from the 1992 repeat.
The Seeds of Death
Video Clip of Commentary Team
On disc 2, move down to the Tardis Cam No. 5 option and press left, a hidden Doctor Who logo appears. Hit select and you'll see a video clip of the audio commentary team commentating on a clip from the story.
The War Games
On Location
On disc one, on the main menu, navigate to Subtitles and then press left to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Press Enter/OK to listen to 20 minutes of behind the scenes audio from the location filming.
The Trial Of Doctor Who
On disc two, go to Subtitles, navigate down to Info Text On and press right to highlight a hidden logo. Press Enter to see the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre’s interpretation of the last episode.
Force field film footage
On disc three, on the main menu, navigate to Subtitles and then press left to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Press Enter/OK to see the film footage of the force field effect seen in Episode Ten.
Spearhead from Space
Unused Third Doctor Title Sequence
On the main menu, with "Play All" highlighted, hit the left arrow and the Doctor Who logo at the top left of the main menu page becomes illuminated. Hit select and you'll get a set of unused 3rd Doctor titles.
Doctor Who and the Silurians (Beneath the Surface Box Set)
"The Ambassadors of Death" Trailer
At the end of Episode 7, keep the DVD Playing to see a full Colour Trailer for the following Serial "The Ambassadors of Death"
*** The only way to view the Egg is if you either watch Episode 7 using the Episode Selection option or by watching the end credits via the Scene Selection option. The Egg doesn't play if you use the "Play All" option. Barry Letts, Terrance Dicks, Nicholas Courtney and Caroline John also did a commentary for the trailer and to hear their comments you need to use either the Episode Selection or Scene Selection Options. (Thanks to David French)
Studio Countdown Clock for Episode 7
On disc one select episode 7 from the episodes menu. The video starts 27 seconds in at the title sequences. Rewind to the beginning to get a studio countdown clock from that episode.
Clean Version of Inferno Opening Titles
On disc two navigate down to Next on the first menu and press the left to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select for a clean version of the Inferno opening titles.
Carnival of Monsters
Clean Pertwee Opening Titles
Navigate to the subtitles menu screen, and then click left from 'Feature' option to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo and hit select. You'll now get a clean version of the regular Pertwee opening title sequence.
Click left on audio options and that reveals a Hidden Doctor Who Logo, press enter and you will be shown a 30 Second clapperboard slide from episode 2
Frontier in Space
Alternate theme music titles
On Disc Two, select Subtitles from the menu, highlight 'Special Features', then press down. The Doctor Who logo turns green. Press Enter to see the VT Clock from Episode 5 leading into the start and end credits with the alternative 'Delaware' theme. This is from a rough cut of episode 5, which was also used on the old VHS release.
Planet of the Daleks
Alternate opening commentary
On Disc 2, select 'Multi-Colourisation' and press the right arrow, a green Doctor Who logo appears. Press enter for a commentary out-take from Episode Three, recorded in case the colour recovery wasn't viable.
After the end of Episode 6 leave the disc running to see a continuity announcement for The Green Death and an advert for the Doctor Who Theme record.
The Green Death
Continuity Announcements
On the first menu hit the left arrow when the top option's highlighted to reveal a hidden logo. Press select and you'll get a compilation of continuity announcements from the orginial broadcast of The Green Death and from a BBC2 repeat.
The Time Warrior
Short Doco on "Firsts"
Go down to Special Features on the Main Menu and Click Left, The Doctor Who Logo should turn green, click it and you should see a short documentary about "Firsts" in the show - Title Sequence, Use of the Word "Part" etc.
Terrance Dicks Clip
Go to 2nd Special Features menu, scroll down to 'Back', click left for a Dr Who logo that leads to a short clip of Terrance Dicks discussing a photo.
The Monster of Peladon
Jon Pertwee Races Lord Montague
On the second disc of The Monster of Peladon, go to 'Where Are They Now?' and press left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo that leads to a clip of Jon Pertwee having a traction engine race with Lord Montague.
Behind the Scenes Audio
Again, on the second disc, go into PDF Materials, press right to highlight a hidden logo that leads to an audio extract of behind the scenes material from 1974.
Continuity Announcements
Go down to Special Features on the Main Menu and Click Left, The Doctor Who Logo should turn green, click it and you should see Continuity Announcements for that story; "Robot".
The Ark in Space
Production Slate
Navigate to the Episode Selection option on the main menu, press the up arrow when on episode one to highlight the Doctor Who logo and hit select. You'll now see a production slate used during the filming of this story.
Doctor Who Blackpool Exhibition
Navigate to the Special Features menu page, move down to the Tom Baker interview option, press the left arrow to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo and hit select. You'll see what appears to be a promotional film for the Blackpool Doctor Who exhibition.
Another Advert for Doctor Who Blackpool Exhibition
Keep watching at the end of the 4th part for another advert for the Blackpool Doctor Who exhibition.
Planet of Evil
Hidden Hinchcliffe
On the first Special Features menu, left click on Continuities, a green Doctor Who logo should appear click it to watch "Hidden Hinchcliffe"
Pyramids of Mars
Continuity Announcements
Navigate down to the special features option on the first menu and press select. Go to the second page of special features and move down to the Oh Mummy option and hit left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Hit select and you'll get continuity announcements from the original broadcast and from a later BBC2 repeat.
The Brain of Morbius
A Letter to Robert Holmes
On the second page of special features, go town to set tour, click left to highlight and a Green Doctor Who logo should appear, click it to get an amusing little piece....
Short Feature on General Facts about the Brain of Morbius
Go to the episode selection page, go onto the "Main Menu" button and click left a green Doctor Who logo should be highlighted, when clicked you should get a short feature about general facts and trivia related to The Brain of Morbius and things connected to it (very silimar to the one on "The Time Warrior")
The Hand of Fear
Nationwide interview with Liz Sladen
On Play All from the first menu press left, right and then left again to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Hit select to get an interview with Liz Sladen from Nationwide.
The Deadly Assassin
Press the left arrow on the photo gallery option to see the very end credits for "Hand of Fear" and a trailer for "The Deadly Assassin".
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Clean 4th Doctor Opening Title Sequence
On the second menu of extras on disc 2, move down to trailers and continuity and hit the left arrow and a hidden Doctor Who icon lights up. Press select and you'll get a clean version of fourth Doctor opening credits.
Continuity Announcement
Audio-only continuity annoucements can be heard on some episodes when you play the Audio Commentary.
Horror of Fang Rock
Production Slate
On the Special Features menu move down to the Antiques Doctor Who Show, press the left button to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select and you'll see a production slate from episode 3.
The Invisible Enemy (K9 Tales Twin-Pack)
K9 on the Generation Game
Go to the special features menu, go down to Visual Effect and click left to reveal a green doctor who logo, click it to see K9's very own appearance on the Generation Game!
Image of the Fendahl
Leela doll
On the first page of Special Features go to Trailer and press left to highlight a hidden logo. Press OK/Select to see Louise Jameson talking about the doll of Leela.
The Invasion of Time
Disc 2
The Coronet of Rassilon
On disc two, go to the second menu page, go to Radio Times Listings and press left to reveal a hidden logo. Click it to watch Colin Mapson discuss this prop
The Ribos Operation (The Key to Time Box Set)
Choose "Info Text" then "Play all", for a slide of information about a possible schedule change for "Doctor Who", from Saturdays to Thursdays.
(Thanks to Whenisayrun, goodasgearon and Whopix)
The Armageddon Factor (The Key to Time Box Set)
On the second menu page, click right on "continuities" to see the original transmission breakdown from Episode 5
Destiny of the Daleks
Countdown Timer
On the second Special Features Menu click left on Audio Options where a (Small) Doctor Who logo should be highlighted, You will then be taken through a Sequence of the Four Countdown Timers used on each Episode Prior to Tramsmission.
City of Death
MkIII Jagaroth Battlecruiser Instruction Booklet
On disc two, from the first option, Paris in the Springtime, hit the left arrow to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select to gain access to a computer generated instruction booklet for a newly purchased MkIII Jagaroth Battlecruiser.
Douglas Adams Interview
On disc two, from the third option, Prehistoric Landscapes, hit the left arrow to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select to see an interview with writer Douglas Adams, discussing, mainly, getting drunk with the director Ken Greive.
Good Woolf. Bad Woolf
On disc two, from the fifth option, Photo Library, hit the left arrow to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select to gain access to "Good Woolf. Bad Woolf" out-take from the Eye On Blatchford featurette with Gabriel Woolf.
Tom & John
On disc two, from the seventh option, Doctor Who Annual, hit the left arrow to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select to see a short sketch starring Tom Baker and John Cleese.
Continuity Announcement
After the Episode Four credits you get the BBC continuity announcer telling you that next week it's "The Creature From the Pit".
The Horns of Nimon
Sock Puppet Sketch
On the special features page, go to 'Read the Writer', then press right to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press enter to see a sketch by the sock puppets.
The Leisure Hive
Original Broadcast Continuity Announcements
Navigate down to the second option of the first menu, press the left button to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo and hit select. You'll then get a series of continuity announcements from the original broadcast of this story.
Warriors' Gate (E-Space Trilogy Box Set)
Matt Irvine & An Axe
On the second special features menu, go down to Continuity, click right and a green Doctor Who logo will be highighted on the left, click it to see a short clip of Matt Irvine talking about props in "Warrior's Gate"
The Keeper Of Traken (New Beginnings Box Set)
Anthony Ainley Clip
There's a short clip of Anthony Ainley after Episode 4
Parade Float Clip
On the main menu, navigate to Audio Options and press left to highlight the Doctor Who logo. Press Enter/OK to be treated to a short clip of the Fifth Doctor on a float with assorted monsters at the Lord Mayor of London’s Parade on 1 January 1982.
The Visitation
Continuity Announcements
From the second page of the special features menu, highlight the first option and press the left arrow to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select to access continuity announcements from the original BBC1 broadcast, including adverts for the Longleat and Blackpool exhibitions.
Black Orchid
BBC Idents & "Black Orchid" Cefax
Go to the second part of the special features menu, go down to Points of View and click left, a green doctor who logo should appear, click it to see some BBC Idents and Announcement for this story
Cyber-related comedy sketch
Navigate down to the special features option on the first menu and press select. Move down to the 40th Anniversary Celebration option and hit left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Hit select and you'll get a comedy sketch featuring a clip of Earthshock that's been over-dubbed!
Arc of Infinity
Davros Trailer
Type the number 1975 on one of the Special Features menus to view a Davros Box Set Trailer.
*** You may need to push the Key button on your DVD remote control for the Egg to work and you may also need to press Enter when you key in the numbers (Thanks to David French)
Mawdryn Undead
TARDIS Information System
Go to the first Special Features page, navigate to Deleted and Extended Scenes and press left to highlight a hidden logo. Press Enter/OK to see a short presentation of interesting facts about the story.
Studio Floorplans
Go to the second page of Special Features, navigate down to Set Photo Gallery and press left to reveal a hidden logo. Press Enter/OK to see the studio floorplans for the story (these are also on the disc as a PDF).
Studio Countdown Clocks
Got to the first page of Special Features. From Audio Options, press up to highlight a hidden logo. Press Enter/OK to see the countdown clocks from each of the four episodes.
TARDIS Information System
Go to the second Special Features page, navigate to Menu and press down to highlight a hidden logo. Press Enter/OK to see a short presentation of interesting facts about the story.
TARDIS Information System
On Disc One, go to the first Special Features page, navigate to Single Write Female and press left to highlight a hidden logo. Press Enter/OK to see a short presentation of interesting facts related to the story.
The boob tube story
On Disc One, on the second Special Features page, go to Coming Soon and then press left. Press Enter/OK to see Peter Davison and Janet Fielding talk about a costume mishap the latter experienced.
Photo Gallery – Making the Guardian Trilogy DVD box set
On Disc Two, on the first page of Special Features, navigate to Finding Mark Strickson and press left. Press Enter/OK to see a gallery of photos.
The Five Doctors (25th Anniversary Edition)
Disc 1
New Series Commentary
Go to Audio Options in the Special Features menu, go down to Companions Commentary and click right on your remote, you should get a green doctor who logo, click it to hear a commantary by some of the New Series Team; David Tennant, Helen Raynor and Phil Collinson
Disc 2
BBC Video Release
Go to Nationwide on the DVD menu; hit left, a green logo should appear, click it and you get the clip of the BBC Logo being eaten by the Black Triangle as present on the original BBC Video release of the Special Edition.
Warriors of the Deep (Beneath the Surface Box Set)
Mat's Models
On the Second Special Features menu, go down to "Science in Action", click Left and a Green Doctor Who logo will appear, click it to see Matt Irivine discus the models used in the story.
Resurrection of the Daleks
VT Countdown
On the first special features menu page, select "BBC Trailer" and press left to highlight a hidden "Doctor Who" logo. Select this and you'll see an original VT countdown used before the programme.
Clean opening and closing titles
On the second special features menu page, select "Photo Gallery" and press left to highlight a hidden "Doctor Who" logo. Select this and you'll get the 5th Doctor's opening and closing title sequences without any story
captions/credits added.
Planet of Fire
Countdown clock compilation
Highlight 'The Flames of Sarn' and press left to reveal a hidden Dr Who logo. Clicking on this gives you a short compilation of the countdown clocks for the story.
Planet of Fire Factoids
On the audio menu on disc one choose Isolated Score making sure that the words are highlighted, then press the right button on your remote and the DW logo should go green. Selecting this gives you a short piece on facts from the story.(Thanks to Oliver Dale.)
The Twin Dillema
Silent film rushes
On the first page of the Special Features menu, scroll down to the "Breakfast Time" option, then hit left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press play to see silent film rushes from the location recording of the story.
Attack of the Cybermen
The Cybernetic Autonomous Dalek
On the second page of the Special Features menu, move down to "The Cyber Generations" then hit left. The Doctor Who logo will appear on the screen, and clicking on this will take you into "The Cybernetic Autonomous Dalek", a short extra piece with Professor Kevin Warwick.
The Mark of the Rani
Continuity from Original Broadcast on BBC1
Navigate down to Special Features on the first menu and press the left arrow to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select to see continuity clips from the original BBC1 broadcast.
The Two Doctors
Clean Sixth Doctor Title and Closing Credits Sequences
On disk 1, move down to the epsiode selection option and hit the left arrow, a hidden Doctor Who logo lights up. Press select and you'll see a clean version of the 6th Doctor's opening titles and closing credit sequences.
Continuity Announcements
Go down to Special Features on the Main Menu and Click Left, The Doctor Who Logo should turn green, click it and you should see Continuity Announcements for that story; "Timelash".
Revelation of the Daleks
Compliation of clips of the original cast members
Navigate down to the second option on the main menu, Episode Selection, and hit the left arrow to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select to see some of the original cast re-recording some of their lines.
Remembrance Of The Daleks: Special Edition
Go to 1st Special Features menu, scroll down to 'Remembrances', click left for a logo that leads to an out-take of Sophie Aldred preparing one of her intros for the Deleted Scenes.
Ghost Light
Musical Interlude
On the main menu move down to Episode Selection and press the left arrow to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select and you'll get the unexpurgated version of the song that Gwendoline is heard playing in the story.
Continuity Announcements
On the Special Features menu move down to Writer's Question Time and press the left arrow to reveal a hidden Doctor Who logo. Press select and you'll get the continuity announcements from the original BBC broadcast. Also included with the continuity annoucements is the original version of Part One's end credits, which mistakenly spelt Katharine Schlesinger's name as Katherine.
The Curse of Fenric
Continuity Announcements
On disc 1, navigate down to the special features option on the first menu and press select. Move down to the Claws and Effect option and hit left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Hit select to view BBC1 continuity announcements made before the original broadcast of all four episodes.
Re-scoring Fenric
On disc 2, navigate down to Recutting the Runes and hit left to highlight a hidden Doctor Who logo. Hit select for Mark Ayres talking about the re-scoring of the special edition of The Curse of Fenric.
Music Options
When you play Part Two using the Music-only option, you can hear the opening and closing theme tune sans sound effects. When you play Part Three using the Music-only option, you can hear the sound effects sans the opening and closing theme tune.
Spot the Haemovores
When Watching on Disc 1 using the 'Play All' option and Info Text turned on, in between episodes 2 & 3, You get a 'Spot the Haemovores' challenge
The Movie
Jon Pertwee Dedication
Hit left on the "Play Movie" option and the logo on the main menu page becomes illuminated. Hit select and you get a dedication caption to Jon Pertwee who died shortly before the UK TV premier of the 8th Doctor TV movie.
The New Series DVD's
The Complete First Series
Rare launch trail
On Disc 4 go to Set Up and then press down, highlighting a hexagon. Press OK to see the rarest cut of the launch trail.
The Complete Third Series
The Blink Easter Egg
On Disc 4 go to Scene Selection and navigate through to the second page of Blink scenes. Go to “9. Keep Looking” and press up to highlight the word “Blink”. Press OK to see The Doctor’s complete message to Sally.
The Infinite Quest
David Tennant’s pirate voice
On the Main Menu go to Extras and press up to highlight part of the TARDIS console. Press OK/Select to watch Tennant recording his silly pirate voice.